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Visceral Manipulation

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Visceral Manipulation (VM) is a manual therapy developed by French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral in the 1980’s. This therapy focuses on the viscera, or organs of the body. Restrictions and adhesions are found and released in order to help improve the function of the organ, pain within the body, poor posture, and even assist with emotional balance and well-being.

These restrictions and adhesions form via stress, illness, or injury. Each organ has its own inherent rhythm, also known as motility. They also should be able to move freely within the body cavity with each of your movements and breathing, also known as mobility. When a restriction forms due to the above stressors, the organ starts to become limited in its motion. With each subsequent movement, as benign as just breathing, a small restriction can become bigger over time, which results in our bodies not being as flexible, having a limited breathing capacity, poor digestion, poor immunity, and increased pain, just to name a few. We all think these are just signs of aging, but it’s a lifetime of stressors that have built up over time, compounded, and expressed itself via our organs. This therapy can gently begin to reverse many of those years of physical limitation. This modality is also great coupled with CranioSacral Therapy.

Book Your 30 or 60 Minute Session in New Port Richey, Florida

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Licensed Massage Therapist #MA51518

Hours Of Business - By Appointment Only

Monday | Online Only | 2-3:30PM (EST)

Tuesday | In-Person | 10AM - 4PM (EST)*

Wednesday | Online Only | 2-3:30PM (EST)

Thursday | In-Person | 10AM - 4PM (EST)*

Friday | Online Only | 2-3:30PM (EST)

* In-Person sessions are at 5510 River Rd, New Port Richey, FL 34652 - Suite 208

© 2024 by Soul Solutions

Massage Establishment License #MM44697

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